Family Relationship Dynamics

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Six actions to building resilience in YOUR Family?

Understand Natural Drivers

Our natural personalities, our driving values, our needs and our love languages all contribute to our identity. This is the foundation of who we all are and why we do, think and act the way we do. When we are in flow and are living our values we are following a path of least resistance. Not recognising our natural talents or trying to live someone else’s values causes stress and dishamony. Understanding the individual and collective profiles is the foundation for everything we do.  An individual in flow, leads to a family in harmony, leading to congruence in our family, work, school and community lives.

Discover your Family’s Character

Family bonds may last a lifetime, but family happiness can be elusive.  Many families lack a  loving connection or are a source of negativity.  Appreciating the character, uniqueness and soul of your family will make each member want to come ‘home’.  The family soul is the memories, experiences, traits, common interests, rituals and a safe haven.  Creating a family with characteristics of warmth, love, non-judgement and caring will support each member through both happy times and times of adversary.  When family members discover and appreciate this a deep connection grows

Be an Effective Parent

Modern parenting is complex. Accepting its not about quantity but quality parenting helps to relieve the guilt that most parents suffer. Its about being emotionally available and present when our children need us. They just want to be understood, and they want meaningful guidance. The angrier we are the less they hear what we say. Learning occurs when they feel safe and can trust the reactions of their parents. Emotions are contagious so parenting is about using your emotions wisely, this includes disciplining and teaching in ways that are most natural for their personalities.

Contribute to your Community

Strong and connected families are also committed to causes greater than themselves.  Contribution generates huge emotional rewards whilst providing awareness of the gifts and blessings that we all have in our lives.  There is a worrying trend that the harder parents work to provide, the more ungrateful our children see to be.  Whilst it seems unpopular these days to participate in community projects or activities, the results have immeasurable impact on satisfaction levels and building resilience for all involved.  Families dynamics vastly improve with shared projects where others benefit.

Embrace Change

The speed of change is increasing and causing more disconnect within families as the younger generations are embracing it and talking a different language to parents, most of who are being left behind. Having a common language and open communication help to bridge the gaps and welcome the impacts that disruptive technologies are having in our lives. Lack of knowledge creates fear, and fear takes people out of their natural flow leading to stress, relationship issues and adversity.  Embracing change is easier when you’re resilient, have a strong foundation and good self-esteem.

Create Leaders and Role Models

The world needs good leaders and role models.  The best way to do this is to be a good leader for your family and the best you can be. Whether that is in your work ethic, the way you treat people, your health routines or your beliefs and values.  As the leaders of your family it is your role to be the person that lights and guides others through the good and bad times along their journey.  THey need to know that you can be consistently relied upon and fearless in the face of adversity. We are creating our future leaders now, so parents you are the #1 role models who will influence humanities future.