
Creating High Performing Families

What is Excel-erate

Excel-erate is a system specifically designed for busy working professionals and individuals who highly value their role as a parent and want better family dynamics and connection.  It provides individuals and families with the tools and skills to create the resilience needed to navigate and thrive in today’s world.  We are here to work with you to create an extraordinary life, a loving family and loving connections to last a lifetime.

List of family values

Tailor the Program

After the assessments and initial goal setting, select only the modules that are relevant to you as an individual, couple or family

Complete the modules

Over a defined timeframe work with a consultant to fully understand the power & impact of each module

Integrate into daily life

Each module contains practical activities, actions and projects to transform your day-to-day life that fit with todays busy lifestyles

Modules to Choose From

Only use the ones you need

Individuals & Couples

Love languagesKnowing You

Teenage behaviour management    Ignition Overview

   Awesome Us
   Strong Partnerships
   Keys to Letting Go

 Do what you Love

Family Unit

Family characteristics Spirit and Soul

Parenting for Resilience

Great Communication

Goals and Finances

Wellness and Health

Our Legacy


Blended familiesBlended Families

Living with Disabilities

Why Excel-erate

Problems in families

We strongly believe that the family unit, in whatever form that takes, is still the best vehicle we have to support our young people as they grow, mature and become the next leaders. You need accelerate as, it’s:

  • Harder to retain the traditional role that a family or community has always played
  • Even harder to raise healthy, happy children who are equipped to reach their full potential and can become effective contributors to society
  • Parents and individuals themselves who are also looking for guidance
  • Overwhelming with too much information around and not enough direction on what to do and how to communicate with loved ones
  • Important to recognise that you are the best role models your children have, so why not be happy, healthy, open-minded and have purpose, you’ll soon find that your kids will want some of that!

Whilst there are many fantastic programs for our young people unless there is ongoing support to reinforce these learnings they are likely to waiver, or lose their way.

This is where the adult’s role is so important, and Excel-erate equips you to provide the best nurturing environment possible, as well as creating an exciting life for yourself.

We all face challenges every day:

  • Work and careers
  • Finances
  • Health
  • The wider family, or
  • just being a parent.

Many of us have lost our identity, our dreams and our direction due to working so hard to provide and ‘do the right thing’ Yet we are expected to have the capability and knowledge to deal with what life throws at us.

Unfortunately, many of these challenges were not experienced by our parents or previous generations and therefore, there are limited maps to help us navigate through the frequent storms that descend on our household.

Excel-erate closes that gap and provides the foundation needed.

Benefits YOU can expect

Reconnection & more confidence with yourself

Stronger Connection with partner

Greater harmony & understanding within the family

Less stress as all areas of life just flow better

Want to Use EXCEL-ERATE in your own Practice or Profession

We offer face-to-face and on-line Certification Training Courses to Professionals so you can be LICENSED to deliver as part of your OWN Business